So we're comparing the LVMPD murder stat sheet from 2020, specifically for justifiable homicides, against our tracking of defensive gun uses for the same year. We track publicized events, which almost always means the news media (papers and TV). Most defensive gun uses never result in a shot being fired, so reporting is rare. In fact, guns are used more times in self-defense than in crimes, but few people ever share their experiences, call the police, or report it to the media. The most conservative estimate is about 100,000-200,000 defensive gun uses a year nationally, vs. 100,000 or so combined murder, suicides, deaths, and injuries by gun. In Metro's jurisdiction (Las Vegas and unincorporated Clark County) there were (per their report): 2020: 21 justifiable homicides 2019: 9 justifiable homicides. Remember a justifiable homicide is when someone is killed; this does not track defensive gun uses reported to police. Also: Metro's numbers may include officer involved shootings and non-gun justifiable homicides. We counted: 2020: 14 2019: 9 2018: 7 But the updated report pulled today show different totals: 2020: 27 2019: 15 2018: 23 Metro reported the following fatal officer involved shootings (all cleared by the DA as justifiable): 2020: 19 2019: 4 2018: 12 Those numbers don't match up. I'm not sure of the exact reason for the discrepancy but as more information is revealed over time the numbers can change (plus guns are only way to defend oneself). 2018's large variance? Aside from non-gun self-defense maybe I wasn't paying as close attention to the news as I would have liked or the stories didn't make the news. I tend to follow 2A news aggregator sites that find and post defensive gun uses to catch what I miss. Anyhow, it looks like as far as deaths are concerned, a fairly accurate gun justifiable homicide picture can be put together through just media reports. Again, murders exceed justifiable homicides because most defensive gun uses don't involve a shot being fired and murders by gun always do. Comments are closed.
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