Short version is bus passengers on RTC buses are trash and commit violence. So RTC is adding armed security and "gun detection" cameras. Couple of things: this appears aimed at scumbags committing crimes, not a general "no guns" policy. In other words, RTC is doing more than security theater.
As for the gun detection thing, sounds like they're looking for people using guns in a criminal manner, not people who are merely carrying. As a reminder, open and concealed carry is still legal on RTC buses. It's not prohibited by law and in theory state preemption would apply. Also I don't think RTC is actually worried about the peaceable open/concealed carrier. In Garland v. Cargill, the US Supreme Court found that the ATF overreached and exceeded its authority by banning bump fire stocks by fiat. Per SCOTUS, the ATF can outlaw things by regulation alone; only Congress can do that. But it would be perfectly okay under this ruling for Congress to have outlawed bump fire stocks, because apparently "shall not be infringed" is too complicated for SCOTUS to understand. Anyhow, legislative bans are still okay, and the ban in Nevada is at the state level, so it still stands. In Nevada, bump stocks are illegal to possess, make, transfer, or sell under NRS 202.274. This statute was enacted in response to the Mandalay Bay shooting on October 1, 2017. Violation of this law is classified as a category D felony, carrying penalties of 1 to 4 years in state prison and fines up to $5,000.
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