We are dedicated to supporting gun rights and is operated by a normal guy with a day job who happens to be a former law enforcement officer. We are unincorporated and give our time for what we believe in. We are not a lobbyist group and advocate on a personal basis only. Our blog is part of the new media, reporting what isn't seen in the mainstream media and willing to advocate for what we believe in and report. Nevada Carry proudly supports law enforcement yet encourages government accountability, loves our constitutional rights, and is fiercely patriotic. We strongly disapprove of any "sovereign citizen" movement which advocates violence against police, a non-democratic overthrow of the government, or any other assorted tin-foil hat paranoia.
Did you read the website?
We welcome all questions, but we get a lot of questions from people who could have had their question answered in detail if they read the website or the blog. Looking for a keyword? Try the search box in the upper left hand corner of the header. Seriously, read the website. Knowledge is power and an excellent weapon in the fight against gun control. Read the FAQ page first! Suicidal? Call 9-8-8.
Have a sketchy background? Want to know if it's legal for you to own a gun?
Read this page. If something listed applies to you, you are a prohibited person and it is a state and federal felony for you to have basically anything to do with guns. Don't email us with questions about whether or not you are a prohibited person; we are not attorneys.
We welcome all questions, but we get a lot of questions from people who could have had their question answered in detail if they read the website or the blog. Looking for a keyword? Try the search box in the upper left hand corner of the header. Seriously, read the website. Knowledge is power and an excellent weapon in the fight against gun control. Read the FAQ page first! Suicidal? Call 9-8-8.
Have a sketchy background? Want to know if it's legal for you to own a gun?
Read this page. If something listed applies to you, you are a prohibited person and it is a state and federal felony for you to have basically anything to do with guns. Don't email us with questions about whether or not you are a prohibited person; we are not attorneys.
Got a question about marijuana?
Don't ask us questions about it, we don't care.
It's illegal under federal law, end of story.
Don't ask us questions about it, we don't care.
It's illegal under federal law, end of story.
Photos not owned by NevadaCarry.org or public domain used under Creative Commons license. Those not linked attributed here. Sources:
Gun show: Wikipedia
Sandy Hook: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sandy_Hook_Memorial_12-26.jpg
Black Panthers: http://www.thevisibilityproject.com/2015/05/26/never-forget-014-gun-control-wasnt-a-problem-until-the-black-panthers-exercised-their-rights/
Bloomberg: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Michael_R_Bloomberg.jpg
Capitol: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nevada_State_Capitol.JPG
Privacy Policy
NevadaCarry is a servicemark.
Gun show: Wikipedia
Sandy Hook: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sandy_Hook_Memorial_12-26.jpg
Black Panthers: http://www.thevisibilityproject.com/2015/05/26/never-forget-014-gun-control-wasnt-a-problem-until-the-black-panthers-exercised-their-rights/
Bloomberg: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Michael_R_Bloomberg.jpg
Capitol: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nevada_State_Capitol.JPG
Privacy Policy
NevadaCarry is a servicemark.