It's becoming clearer that Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court is the one holding up Second Amendment cases and punting on them. A portion of the justices, appointed for life to be impartial and above such things as being swayed by public opinion, seem to be influenced by just that. So what is John Roberts afraid of? I argue that Roberts is afraid that the four other conservative justices will find that "shall not be infringed" means what it says. To one degree or another, they will dramatically liberalize the gun control laws across the country. Nothing too dramatic to those of us in free states, or in states with constitutional carry. I believe that one of the things he is most afraid of is that he would be forced to join a concurring opinion that the Second Amendment cannot be restricted by licenses; everyone would have the ability to carry a gun without prior government permission. That might make things harder for police and crime might happen, which may look bad for Roberts. Roberts is afraid of the people have the right to bear arms unfettered and is squeamish at the idea that liberty often comes with danger. I can't help but think Roberts is a member of a camp where only certain rights, well-fenced in to prevent harm, are allowed to be exercised a little. The world is more comfortable to soft tyrants like him when the rest of us are restrained to in little bubbles. Perhaps another conservative justice replacing Ginsburg might give him an additional vote to go along with. Roberts could just be afraid of being the swing vote and want the comfort of the crowd. Time will tell. Comments are closed.
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