What do nudists and non-gun owners have in common? They're both pretty vulnerable. Right now, we are seeing the effects of unpreparedness. Facing a time of major fear, uncertainty, and doubt, people are stockpiling food, toiletries, guns, and ammo. This is a normal human reaction in times of crisis. If facing a dearth of food, we store some to guarantee we can make it through the figurative winter. We don't have to worry about where our next meal is coming from or having to make desperate choices to avoid starvation (or wiping with socks). But having a stockpile means it has to be protected. Even if you don't have a lot of stuff to protect, you still have the lives of yourself and you loved ones. Like storing up for winter and seeds for spring, guns and ammo are a way not only to preserve what we have, but are a comfort against uncertainty. A man with a gun can make his own way. Many times, this has been used for evil, especially in times of tribulation. There are lots of maxims about how to stop bad guys with guns, but the fact remains that an armed man is able to do something to protect himself. Sure, man has been using other weapons and brute strength to resist (and do) evil since time immemorial, but in the time of firearms, guns lengthen and strengthen our sphere of defense in a way no other weapon can. (Guns also don't have the same collateral damage as flamethrowers). Guns are the great equalizer. They make weak men strong and put a woman on the same level as a man. One man with a gun is mightier than many men without guns, or even men with guns, if the good knows how to use his weapon. An armed man doesn't have to fear crime the same way an unarmed man does. A burglary does not pit the armed man at the mercy of the thief. This fact is something that most of us are aware of, whether or not we recognize it. The panic buying of guns and ammo is the manifestation of societies recognition of this truth. Life isn't all sunshine and lollipops that the past century or so has been for America. Guns were always a back-burner item for most people. Probably good to have, but in the age of police, peace, and prosperity, not a necessity. Too many people bought the lies that the anti-gun hoplopaths spewed too. Now Californians are waking up to the ugly truth that the laws that were sold to them through fraudulent means applies to them in their hour of need. Nevadans are learning that the vaunted ban of private gun sales has left them at the mercy of a crippled state background check system. These scared people need to learn their lesson from this event. After the 1992 LA Riots, many people bought guns, only to get rid of them as the years went by without a repeat in violence. Crime and murder dropped in dramatic lows across the state. Now many of those same people, or their kids, are lining up at gun stores across the Golden State that are under threat of closure as "non-essential." Will the people of today learn that they need to keep their gun, store ammo when it's cheap and easy to get, train and practice with their gun? Only time will tell. Comments are closed.
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