Tall nails get hammered down. Washington state Representative Matt Shea, a conservative Republican Christian, is facing calls to resign and potential expulsion from the Washington state Legislature because he supported the Bundy stand-offs and resistance to federal encroachment in the West (known as the Patriot movement). A legislative report is calling his support tantamount to terrorism. Shea is not currently accused of any crimes or actually engaging in terrorism. Most participants were not convicted and the only person who died was killed in a bad shoot by the FBI. Former Nevada Assemblywoman Michelle Fiore is also called out for her support. The Democrats obviously hate (and fear) this kind of thing and the Republican party is so cucked they are scared too. Whatever you think about the Bundy protests, it's pretty clear that the mainstream political parties have no stomach for any form of active resistance against tyranny. A politician who shows support and engages in the peripheries of these activities are just too frightening for them. We have a congressman who threatens to nuke people for owning guns, massive numbers of totally corrupt politicians at every level that go unprosecuted, the Trump coup, the impeachment farce, and Hillary Clinton's crimes she gotten away with, and these clowns are worried about a guy who thinks armed revolt in the future is possible? With politicians who refuse to drain the swap, it's inevitable. Rep. Shea will be a casualty in the run up to the next civil war. By their actions calling for Shea's resignation, the Washington Republican caucus has shown they will be ill-relevant when armed resistance to tyranny begins. There is not going to be a political solution if the caucus is afraid of a man who is looking to the future. Everyone is so fearful of getting their hands dirty, hell, not even that, just merely having bad things said about them in the media, that they won't engage in even the piddling little protests. Supporters of these Second Amendment sanctuaries take note. Without politicians, sheriffs, and deputies who are willing to face punishment for refusing to obey evil laws, the ordinances and resolutions are just engaging in fantasy. Now the first civil war was a farce to begin with, but imagine just how stupid the honor-obsessed Southerners would have looked if they seceded but never put an army in the field? I predict a future where politicians run scared when funding is cut or state/federal law enforcement investigate them. In Shea's case, he's nothing more than a floor vote until he probably gets kicked out of office. He's defiant, but many, many others will cave when facing sanction, jail, or worse. You will have to fight for your rights. Don't be tall nail that gets hammered down. Be the rusty one hiding in the grass waiting for some barefoot fool. Comments are closed.
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