![]() Universal background checks is about as disingenuous as a gun control law as they go. Supporters say it’s about getting the guns out of criminals hands, but studies have shown that most guns don’t come from the non-existent gun show or online “loopholes.” The laws wouldn’t even affect the felons, etc. who buy the guns, just the hapless seller. More studies have shown that background check laws don’t affect gun violence in any meaningful way. Banning private sales is a scam to help enact gun registration. Every manner of lie and half-truth is being used to sell them. Their ministers of propaganda trucked in gullible high school students and Asm. Jauregui whined about the unrelated Route 91 massacre (Paddock passed background checks). Sure, they found a few cherry picked cases of private sales gone bad, but a lot of the conversation has been generic gun crimes and mass killings. Note: virtually all mass killers had background checks done as they bought their guns from dealers. The lying was disgusting. Pretty much every politician that got up there lied. What's worse is that their decision was made a long time ago. This was no debate; it was a symbolic circle jerk of tyrants going through the motions. Gov. Sleestak grandstanded while looking like a washed up old man, lecturing as chief virtue signaler. I actually feel bad for the poor, deluded and brainwashed teenagers that have become the useful idiots for the Leftists. The way SB 143 was introduced was a shame. To throw vigilant gun-rights activists off-guard, they hoped to keep the meeting and bill a secret until the night before the hearing. This way, all the support would be for them while it looks like gun owners didn’t care. They could ram it through committee and floor votes while our heads were still spinning. But we caught them. Also, the state constitution prohibits the Legislature from amending or altering ballot initiatives (recall Question 1) for three years from the date the initiative takes effect; in this case, Jan. 1, 2017, so they cannot act until Jan. 2, 2020. Jan. 2, 2020 is the effective date of SB 143. A plain reading of the constitution indicates that the Legislature must leave the law totally alone until the three year mark; not take action now and make it effective at the three year mark. They don’t care. Passing laws using disingenuous means and by contorting the law into what they want it to say is not how American democracy is supposed to function. Essentially, the 80th Session of the Nevada Legislature is behaving much like the British Parliament did in the 1770s. Rule of law, respect for those they represent; bah! When you’re corrupt, you don’t care. So if the legislature wants to cut corners and cheat, where do they get off expecting that the public follow the rule of law that punishes innocent behavior? If they disrespect the law and circumvent it, then what obligation do we have to studiously obey it if our “masters” and examples openly disregard it? “Because if you don’t, you’ll get fine and go to jail/prison,” is what they say. “Obey or die; do as we say, not as we do.” The mantra of tyrants. Rumors abound that controversial gun bills will be introduced in this manner during this session. If so, even more cause will exist to simply ignore these unconstitutional laws for being passed in an arbitrary manner totally out of harmony with the law and legislative tradition. The more crap they ram through without following the traditional process and totally casting aside the opinions of half of the state, the more reason gun owners will have to simply ignore these bad laws. My message to these politicians is that if you want to pass laws in such a way, then be prepared when citizens don’t care about your laws and cops won’t enforce them. Washington sheriffs are a current example of such a revolt. Legislators can make all the laws they want, but it does no good, and in fact harms the democratic and legal process, if the honored process of the rule of law is abused. If you don’t care about the law, then why the hell should we? But thanks to all you patriots who testified in opposition and turned out to show support for gun rights. Nice work; keep it up. Remember that not a single person who opposed the bill was paid to be there nor were gun owners bussed in, unlike the bunches of anti-gun lemmings that were there to make the Democrats feel a little less like scum-sucking sons of bitches ramming this garbage down our throats. Comments are closed.
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