I was reading the trial coverage of the Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin, on trial for the “murder” of George Floyd. Basically the reports from legal reporters who are actually at the trial show that the prosecution is doing a terrible job proving the case and is essentially making the defenses’ case. This is the kind of detailed reporting that we got during the OJ Simpsons case. Last night I caught a segment talking about it on the evening TV news and they basically edited some of the statements and to portray the situation that Chauvin was in the wrong and guilty which is completely out of context with the actual testimony. The use of force expert for the prosecution was an LAPD sergeant who happened to be black. Seems to me they found an expert of convenience who of course called the use of force “excessive.” That clip is pretty much what LA saw. Compare that against the reports from Legal Insurrection, above. The real testimony shows a complex, nuanced cause at a minimum, and at the other end of the spectrum, that Chauvin was not kneeling on Floyd’s neck and that Floyd had just ingested a fatal dose of Fentanyl. Regardless of perspective, this isn’t an issue that can be dealt with in two minute clips on the evening news. People died and cities burned because of this stuff last year. Whatever the outcome of the trial is, the media is not accurately reporting what’s going on at the trial and is putting out this narrative that regardless of the evidence, Chauvin is guilty. Instead of accurately reporting on the facts and testimony, they are creating the expectation in the public’s mind that Chauvin will be convicted when in reality that’s a chancy thing. The media is fomenting riots and insurrections with their misleading coverage. In a few weeks, if Chauvin is acquitted, brace for riots worse than we’ve seen. The unintelligent public has been primed to expect a guilty verdict of murder and it is highly probable he will receive an acquittal or a lesser included charge. If you don’t believe in evil, you should. Comments are closed.
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