Now this is happening in Richmond, Virginia, but in the context of Nevada and all the "no guns" signs on public buildings (which authorities—by now—know perfectly well applies only to concealed carry, not open carry) are intended to keep you from carrying at all. The intent of the signs is to purposely mislead gun owners so they don't lawfully carry in that area. And security, unless they've been thoroughly schooled, will try to disarm you. Depending on the building, they'll make you leave. Will we see such signs in Carson City around the Capitol based on some pretext or other during the 2021 Legislative session? I don't know. It wouldn't surprise me at this point, but then again I'm sure the Legislature won't be allowing members of the public to comment in person, which raises a whole host of issues with virtual appearances. No doubt the mad mommies will try and steal all the spots. Anyhow, the quote stands. "No guns" signs anymore are about discouraging lawful carry, not some naive effort to get criminals to comply. Comments are closed.
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