We've had the guns of Star Wars, the guns of Die Hard; so why not the guns of the 1964 classic Rankin & Bass Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Of course, this is an exercise in fun, not identifying that the Mandalorian uses a Bergmann 1896, the second or third semi-auto pistol in commercial production. I mean it's a kid's movie, not an apologetics course in arguing that Rudolph's nose is red, either because of alcoholism, bio-luminescence, or a genetic condition where the ordinarily black nose is pigmented red like a weird form of albinism (the song doesn't specify why Rudolph's nose is red, just that it is, and the glow is speculation from "some" who "even say it glows." Or maybe his sick parents installed a red LED in his body powered by electrical nerve conduction as a grand scheme to get their son on the sleigh team. Anyhow, it's a 1960s production, so guns are not verboten as they are in modern toys and ornaments of the characters. Yukon CorneliusThe bumbling prospector Yukon Cornelius is with a bone handled revolver in his belt. Since it's a stop-motion children's Christmas cartoon, the detail isn't great, but it looks like the gun is modeled after a Colt Single Action Army. The grip appear to be stag, which were popular with Western actors since the 1920s and commonly seen in the Westerns at the time. Contemporary Gunsmoke showed Marshal Matt Dillon with bone handled Colts and the heydey of the Western was just ending then. Cowboy Who Rides an OstrichThis gun isn't quite so visible, but from the stock and the backstrap, it looks to be modeled on something else. Since this game is mostly imaginary (it's not like they paid that much detail to the guns when making the characters), I'm calling it a Smith and Wesson Model 3 or a Merwin and Hulbert Large Frame "Army" Revolver. The stock doesn't have the same square shape as the Colt nor does it look like a birdhead's grip. Also note the extra frame behind the hammer. Water Pistol That Shoots JellyThe second martial toy on the Island of Misfit Toys is a water pistol that shoots jelly. Why no one washed him out and put in water, I don't know. King Moonracer seems to have some issues and the UN needs to pay him a visit. Are the Soviets keeping him in power to maintain a secret base in the Arctic to spy on Santa Claus? Anyhow, the gun looks to me like a Welrod. I'm sure it's just a really generic "gun" design, but I want it to be a Welrod. I hope you had a little fun and may you receive something Democrats want to ban this holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. Comments are closed.
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