Assemblywoman Sandra Jauregui, District 41 (Henderson and Paradise) LV Sun: Nevada must remain vigilant about gun violence Sandra, thanks for telling us what you're going to do in 2021 so we can prepare responses now. Also see Tuesday's post: Assemblywoman Sandra Jauregui (AD 41) is a Tyrant and Must Go In this post, we will look at the gun control agenda of 2021, as telegraphed by Nevada’s crocodile tears assemblywoman. BTW, I know plenty of Route 91 survivors that hate gun control and chafe at the idea their tragedy is being used for political purposes. Remember, Democrats cannot win on their ideas, so they must lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. Popular support for gun control may be dead this year, but like vampire rising every night to drink blood, Democrats keep coming back to chip away at your rights. We must vote Republican in November to save what rights we have. An attempt to regulate open carry Jauregui attempts to malign peaceful open carriers as domestic terrorists. She does this by trying to draw a parallel to the incompetent idiots in Las Vegas who recently were arrested for planning to exploit the riots to “accelerate” civil war. Those riots lead Edgar Samaniego downtown (who was not their “casually”) to attempt to murder LVMPD officer Shay Mikalonis with a gun that was already used in a crime. That’s right: Democrat-supported, Leftist-led protests brought a criminal scumbag downtown, in an atmosphere filled with “F--- the police” to shoot a cop. These riots are supported and encouraged by Jauregui’s party. She also brings up the peaceful open carry protesters in Carson City, trying to scare people with “tactical” and “assault weapons.” The right-wing and gun community protests were entirely peaceful and it must be noted that a negligent discharge occurred in August by a Black Lives Matter protester. We expect to see a direct targeting of open carry being banned in some form, although we do not expect a total ban in the state. In the past, in the wake of the Laughlin biker gang shootout, there was an attempt to ban open carry at certain events that failed. Open carry is also far more constitutionally protected than concealed carry is. Removal of state preemption of local firearm restrictions This was attempted at the county level in 2019 but failed when NSSF threatened to pull SHOT Show and the unions cried foul at the loss of revenue they and the casinos would face. Jauregui spins this as a way to allow local community to better provide safety, but this is false. Prior to the Legislature-forced repeal of local laws in 2015, it was illegal to carry a gun to protect oneself in a Clark County park. North Las Vegas banned open carry, more strictly regulate concealed carry, and used selective enforcement to target blacks and Hispanics. Increased gun regulations will make Nevadans less safe. Likely proposals will disarm people on the Strip, in casinos, and around government buildings. Police, who have no obligation to protect you, will be responsible for arresting you if you dare want to carry a gun while paying your property tax. Downtown Reno and Las Vegas are shitholes and people who happen to visit a government building or want to gamble shouldn’t be prey for criminals. Repealing state preemption will turn Nevada in to California on a city and county basis. Clark County could outlaw AR-15s if it wanted to. AB 291, the most corrupt gun control bill Nevada has seen AB 291 introduce “red flag” gun confiscation laws to Nevada using every shady tactic in the books. The bill actually died, but the corrupt Democrat-controlled Legislature resurrected it and passed the zombie bill. Bump fire stocks were overhyped by a lying media and stupid people. They’re perfectly constitutional and frankly, the machine gun ban needs overturned as well. Nevada’s provisions were unnecessary because the ATF changed its definition of “machine gun” to include bump fire stocks. Jauregui and the Democrats merely wanted to virtue signal after the Mandalay Bay, October 1, 2017, mass shooting. This is why Sisolak complained, as a county commissioner, that state preemption laws prohibited them from banning the stocks. Second, the blood-alcohol content limit for carrying was lowered from .10 to .08 for no reason at all. No evidence or data was cited that this was needed, it was just done. Nevada’s BAC limit for DUI was .10 until federal law forced them to lower it to .08. And “red flag” laws? How long until “liking” a post for a guy like Kyle Rittenhouse, who dared fight back against rioters, puts you on a list as a “boogaloo boy” and is used to confiscate your guns? On a site note, I have it on good authority that when the North Las Vegas police were briefed on red flag laws, they immediately and fiercely objected to them, refusing to enforce the orders. Update: it has come to our attention that the Republican challenger may no longer be actively campaigning or running. In that case, WAY TO SUCK NEVADA GOP! Welcome to the one party state. Comments are closed.
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