Frontier Carry is the larger version of Nevada Carry, the websites/blog where thousands of Nevadans and Westerners have learned about their gun rights and open/concealed carry. It has been your support and interest that has made us successful. We brought the knowledge, but you brought the changes to Nevada. With your help, we can continue to broaden the understanding of the history of gun culture in America and the effect it has had on gun control and vise versa. By looking into the past, we can better understand our future. But we need your help to do it!
I'm asking you for $1 a month. If you appreciate our work and can afford a buck a month, please help out and defray some of the costs of hosting. I'm not asking you to scrimp, save, or make sacrifices; donate that to the NVFAC. If you can give, would like to give, then please give. I'm not looking to profit or get rich, just looking for the ability to keep providing a valuable service to our community. This helps us keep the lights on and cover expenses where the paltry ad revenue can't. It's a way to contribute something to help keep spreading the truth about gun laws, gun control, and history. In return, you get access to rare tidbits I've found in historical research (old articles, clippings, photos), links to scholarly articles, invitations to meet ups, premium Q&A questions (you ask, we research), and first reads of rough drafts of the open carry book (under development). This "perqs" aren't the best, I know, but I'll give you what I can that is the fruit of my labor behind the computer screen. A lot of this information is lost to the public consciousness, locked up in archives and dusty books. This will never be a full-time venture, unfortunately, but due to health concerns and issues with my day job, constant attention to all matters gun rights in Nevada and the Intermountain West have become difficult to keep up with. Your donations make it possible for us to continue working towards the goal of full-time activism. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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Clayton E. Cramer Gun Watch Gun Free Zone The War on Guns Commander Zero The View From Out West |