Thanks to our feckless state Republican party, Democratic party money, corruption, and changing demographics, Nevada is in for a rough time in the 2019 Legislature. A full-slate of heavy, handed full-retard anti-gun bills are going to be proposed. Some will get through and they will be real stinkers. The freedoms we have will soon change. All of this is pure corruption and leftist tyranny. The corrupt (politically or morally, I’ll let you decide) governor-elect changed his views on guns to align with the full hoplopathic (anti-gun) Democratic Party view in order to get into power. Whether it is blatantly unconstitutional, illegal, corrupt, or simply stupid, we must fight it. But let’s get a few things straight.
For those aware of the history behind Heller, it was a carefully crafted case in which the lead plaintiff, Dick Heller and others, were especially selected to present an ideal case. The linked Wikipedia article gives an excellent examination of their compelling reasons to own a firearm, which the District of Columbia required to be rendered useless through being unloaded and locked up. This case was planned to be a landmark Second Amendment case from the beginning and that’s how it turned out. Often case law comes about because of legal rulings involving unsympathetic criminals that no one wants to see get off, but the justices in question had a higher obligation to the law and Constitution than to nailing a scumbag based on appearances. Yet far too many cases get turned down because the plaintiff is unsympathetic; no justice, especially one sitting on the fence, wants to create new, groundbreaking case law for a felon, etc. As you saw with Heller, having a security guard, woman, and a gay man, among others, who all truly desire to protect themselves with a gun, versus a robbery suspect caught with an illegal gun, helped win the day. Not everyone will make a good test case. Unfortunately, for public relation reasons as well as politics, certain persons will not be ideal. Unconscious bias may make a tattooed young man who has been in trouble with the law a bad plaintiff whereas a single mother with kids is favored. No, it’s not fair, but that’s the way the world works. So, here are the ground rules for the test cases we will push forward.
Do not plan to be a test case on the spur of the moment. Here are some lessons learned from past attempts: No video, so it’s a he said/she said situation where corrupt officials can give the government the benefit of the doubt. Video of the government behaving badly also creates public outrage and puts politicians on the spot.
All that being said, we will get test cases and we will win if we are smart about it. There are many avenues of attack where leftist, Democrat politicians have and will overreach. We have a solid conservative majority on the Supreme Court and will almost certainly gain another seat in the next two years. Any favorable case law for the Second Amendment will be around for a long time in a way that leftists cannot change without going utterly tyrannical. DON'T DO ANYTHING TO SCARE THE HORSES BEFORE SUMMER 2019-NO 'SCARY' PROTESTS, NO LONG-GUN OPEN CARRY, ETC. OR YOU'LL FUEL ANTI-GUN BILLS Comments are closed.
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