Gov. Sisolak talked to the Review-Journal about his non-existent timeline for re-opening the state. He seemed a little bit more firm in saying that it would happen within 14 days of the downward trend and seemed to give answers that (I think) puts a hypothetical re-opening date around May 15. This would be in-line with California. He also mentioned a potential special session of the Legislature, which would not happen for some time. If the Legislature does meet in a special session, could guns be on the table? On the surface, no. The state constitution is quite specific that special sessions can only deal with the matter they were convened for, which would be coronavirus relief. Art 4. Sec. 2A. Special sessions of Legislature: Procedure for convening; precedence; limitations on business and duration; void actions. Art 5. Sec. 9. Special sessions of Legislature: Authority of Governor; limitations on business and duration; void actions. So unless you somehow tie guns to the coronavirus, it's not going to happen. Even for this dishonest Legislature and governor, that might be going too far. Sisolak is already unpopular. But, 2019's session was all about gymnastics and one of Sandoval's special sessions ended up paying for a stadium that under state law, never should have received public money. The one thing they could do is argue that coronavirus related to states of emergencies and target the law protecting the Second Amendment during a state of emergency, but the federal court battle to protect that might be too high of a hill to climb. Like I said, Sisolak is already unpopular enough. Secondly, a repeal of that law would just confirm why it was enacted in the first place. There always is the possibility of a special gun control session, but if we protested the heck out of the bills we got, that would be darn near a declaration of war on us. Virginia tried that. It's special session lasted for what, less than an hour? before Republicans sank it. Then Democrats got elected in and we know the rest of that story. So don't worry about a special session right now, but stay frosty. Comments are closed.
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