Fox 5 on Facebook "'Those militia members, whatever you want to call them, carrying AR15s and AK47s, if these young black men that were out here protesting would have been doing that these past few days, what do you think would have happened?' Gov. Sisolak said in response to a columnist’s comments that he supported the BLM protests but not the protests outside the governor’s mansion over COVID-19 closures.'" Maybe young black men would like to openly carry their firearms? California banned loaded open carry in 1968 after Black Panthers dared to exercise their rights. The legislators in Sacramento got right scared by seeing armed black men. Heck, it took until 2015 for North Las Vegas to stop harassing minorities for openly carrying. Open carry protests are peaceful. The gathering in Carson City was peaceful. So was Richmond and the events in Texas during 2013-2016. This is nothing but grandstanding by a Democrat upset that armed citizens dare assert their Second Amendment right. Vote Republican. Your freedom depends on it. Comments are closed.
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