Should SHOTShow move from Las Vegas due to predicted anti-gun legislation that would outlaw (for Nevadans) many of the products being sold at the show? All possibilities for gun control are on the table in Nevada’s 2019 legislative session, including assault weapon bans. Holding SHOT in Las Vegas in 2020 and beyond may be like holding it California. Legalities aside, does the National Sports Shooting Foundation (NSSF) have a moral duty to move the show to a state that does not wholesale infringe on the right to keep and bear arms? Yes, it does. The firearms industry stays in business and does so well precisely because of the American tradition of gun ownership. This is a citizen consumer oriented convention intended to help manufacturers sells guns to retailer who will sell guns and gun stuff to people like you and I. This is not a arms expo showing off the latest anti-aircraft missile to third world generals. If Americans cannot purchase the products being shown freely, the show is pointless. The total abolition of American citizen firearm ownership is almost certainly in the works and it’s time for the big boys to stand up and be heard. Large manufactures and the NSSF need to take a political stance to stop (or at least delay) totalitarian gun control or else all but the biggest houses with military business will find themselves legislated into the unemployment lines. The days of paying lobbyists to threaten legislators with re-election heartache is out. Traditional means of influencing politicians is quickly becoming ineffective. In order to effect change, the frankly corrupt (either actually or morally) politicians have to be hit where it counts; in their pocketbook. In the case of Nevada, this means hurting the gambling gaming industry so they turn the screws on their bought-off politicians. It means causing pain to the casino unions because their union members are being laid off. We must take away money from those who can influence politicians so that they in turn demand the clowns in Carson City stop, or don’t do, stupid things. Hank Strange’s podcast had an interesting discussion on this topic. It’s worth a listen. In response to some of their concerns, I don’t believe that Nevada law enforcement would ever enforce a Nevada assault weapons ban, etc. on SHOTShow. Why? Because Nevada is corrupt. Large conventions means lots of money to the casinos. I’m sure there would be a legislative exception or California-esque “dangerous weapon permit” to allow the show to go on. Even if not, you can guarantee no one from Metro or the state will do anything to harm a massive money-making convention for Nevada’s only real industry. My request is that NSSF schedule the next feasible SHOTShow for another state like Texas that isn’t ready to capitulate to tyranny. It may not be for a few years, due to scheduling and contracts, but it would send a message to Gov. Sleekstak and his merry band of idiots. If you work for NSSF or deal closely with them, please encourage them to go elsewhere. I don’t have high hopes because everyone wants a free trip to Vegas. Comments are closed.
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