Having been a "first responder" (oh how that term makes me gag), I appreciate my delivery men and women more than cops, firefighters, and paramedics more than anyone else. A second runner up is the garbage man. When Amazon, FedEx, or UPS comes to the door, they never have a warrant for me (not that I've had a warrant). They always bring something I want and do it with speed that the Post Office can't seem to manage. And unless they farm the final mile out to USPS, the package arrives at my door instead of jammed in the mailbox. These guys haul heavy shit directly to my door. Ammo, furniture, you name it. It keeps coming and they keep delivering. A lot of them go out of their way to hide stuff, like the time they put my doormat on a 2ft tall box. Thanks for trying. They come out in the rain and heat 6 or 7 days a week. They'll work late around the holidays to make sure my packages arrive in time. They do more for me than any government agency has since I worked for one. These delivery guys are a vital institution, even more so during the coronavirus panic. They're my new heroes. This isn't to say that cops, hose-draggers, and paramedics aren't valuable parts of society. But the only time I truly needed the former two I didn't really need them. But I do need the guys in brown shorts, purple, or blue shirts and high-viz vests dropping my stuff off. So let's hear praise for the delivery guys! Comments are closed.
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