Update: Some people got upset by this post. No, I am not denigrating people who want to show their opposition to Sisolak and his agenda. However, we must be realistic that a recall isn't likely to work. Instead, the recall movement needs to be a symbol for resistance and the spark around which electing Republicans to the Legislature and educating the public who doesn't know better. Such movements and protests as these are to show the Dems that they can't just get away with whatever they want. Like calling and demanding a veto of bad gun legislation, this is fighting the good fight. A recall of Sisolak is not going to happen. Those who are calling for it and trying to organize it are well-intentioned, but ignorant and foolish. They are wasting valuable energy and emotion on what is nothing more than frivolous fantasy. I know a lot of people interested in recalling Gov. Sleestak have their hearts in the right place, but bad ideas like this can do a lot of damage. Sisolak won 5% more of the vote than Laxalt and a majority in Democrat-controlled Clark and Washoe counties. Second, the recent efforts to recall several legislators failed badly. Third, if the Republican leadership in Nevada, particularly Clark County, is so incompetent it failed to make good use of its supermajority in 2015 and lost both houses of the Legislature in the last two elections, how are the expected to help win a recall election? If a recall election were viable, this would not be a grassroots effort, but supported at least in spirit by GOP leadership. How many of the recall people got involved in anyway to get Laxalt or Republicans elected in the last election? There are 668,139 registered Democratic voters, to 569,965 Republicans voters, and another 392,345 registered non-partisan (independent) and 112,236 other voters registered to fantasy parties. For a recall to succeed, even if all Republicans turned out and voted to recall, somehow the middle half a million would have to be convinced, probably with some Democrats as well. How do the recall organizers plan on doing that? Sure, volunteers might collect enough signatures to get the official nod to collect the rest of the signatures to qualify for an actual election, but who will pay to collect the signatures from the 242,950 required for qualification? Volunteers alone are not doing that. Remember for Question 1 to appear on the ballot, it took about 100,000 votes that Bloomberg paid dearly for. A recall election will be hotly defended by Sisolak and the Democratic Party, if the recall qualifies at all. Where is the money coming from to put commercials on TV and campaign for recalling him? And who is going to replace him? And while I’m on the “let’s be realistic” train, let’s talk about treason and what it is and isn’t. Sisolak and the state Democrats are not committing treason, by any reasonable stretch of the imagination. Globalist and evil they are, but a gradual slide to tyranny does not, at least at this point, qualify as treason. The state constitution defines treason as: “Treason against the State shall consist only in levying war against it, adhering to its enemies or giving them Aid and Comfort.” The authors of the state and federal constitution did not mean “war” or “enemies” as symbolic. Until Sisolak approves a Chinese or Iranian military base in Nevada, he has not committed treason. So let’s get realistic. Don’t waste your energy, money, and emotion on a fruitless outlet. People with the idea of a recall will divert the much-needed interest of people opposed to the progressive agenda and ultimately disappoint them. The last thing we need now are liberty-minded voters being turned off the democratic process right now because of poorly thought out emotional reactions Comments are closed.
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