Reader Tom is calling for a boycott of an anti-gun establishment. See his post and emails with the business below. PLEASE BOYCOTT Lovelady Brewery in Henderson along with not buying their beers elsewhere. They have a NO FIREARMS sign posted on their door plus their response to my email is a cop out. Here is the exchange of emails,read from the bottom up. FYI I have OPEN carried in every brewery I have visit in Nevada and NUMEROUS bars and NUMEROUS restaurants serving alcohol and I decide that I will have ONLY one beer. That is MY decision. I have added them to my list of places to boycott. On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 7:36 PM Tom wrote: I was just in your brewery and was sadly disappointed to see a no firearms sign posted on your door. My friend and I did not see the sign the last time we were there and really liked your brewery. Upon my return today I noticed it. I am a very active 2nd Amendment supporter among support ALL of the individual rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. I have a huge social media following and will be reaching out to all I can to boycott your brewery and your beer.I have patronized Able Baker, Astronomy, Bad Beat, Crafthaus and Scenic Breweries Open Carrying without question or issue. I will high light that to my social media following and ask them all to patronize local breweries that do not restrict our rights.I discussed this with Matt and hope he communicated that with you.If you are willing to remove that sign then I will not communicate this and actually promote Lovelady instead.I am happy to have a conversation with you if you like to discuss this. Please let me know. I will hold off communicating to my following until I hear from you. Disappointingly,Tom The response: On Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 4:27 PM Lovelady Brewing wrote: Tom,It's not that we don't support the 2nd amendment, it is that we do not support or think it is a good idea to mix alcohol and guns together. As a responsible gun owner I'm sure you'd agree.Have a great day!Regards,The Lovelady Brewing Team Tom: Thank You for your reply. I do not agree that you should be determining if someone can have a beer and also carry. Plus your sign doesn't mention drinking it says no firearms, so if someone is carrying but doesn't intend to drink the sign is still there. It is not against the law to carry and drink it is against the law to carry and be over .10 BAC. Are you preventing people from driving after they drink in your establishment? If not, then you are hypocrites as there is probably more probability that someone might cause an accident driving after drinking than anything happening with carrying guns. You are making a judgement for everyone whether someone has one tasting, one pint or nothing at all. I believe this is a cop out reason you are using and as mentioned every other brewery in the state of NV that I have been I have OPEN carried and it has not been an issue. If it is an issue for you, even a cop out reason, then I will be happy to take my business elsewhere, including purchases elsewhere, and also as mention let the 1000s on social media in Las Vegas I reach to boycott your business and beer. BTW, I publish and distribute on social media a boycott list. You have now made that list, unless you would further consider your decision. A VERY responsible gun owner that thinks your reasoning is irrational and biased, Tom Comments are closed.
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