Remember those blog posts I made where I reacted to the anti-gunners (hoplopaths) gloating that they'd ban guns here, there, and everywhere? They acted like their tide of gun control was a never ending flood. Do you remember where I predicted that once we got a good SCOTUS 2A ruling with strict scrutiny we'd see the end of those restrictions? Well, we got better than strict scrutiny. Text, history, and tradition is the new standard and it will be abused, but the "no two-step" requirement and the Bruen decision signals that SCOTUS will not tolerate BS from lower courts. Cases are being sent back to district court to be reviewed under Bruen now. Lawsuits are being filed against other regulations and restrictions. California and New York are going so far off the reservation that courts cannot ignore the BS in the new restrictions and will likely nuke them from orbit. The CCW process, delays, and requirements will end up being so odious that we will go permitless in some states or nationally. Yes, it will take time and the road will be rocky, but it will happen, if we don't fall apart as a nation first. When these bad gun laws die in court, they die forever. Precedence is forever. Say goodbye to your bad gun free zones. We won, but the antis don't know it yet. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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