Some have criticized recent blog posts as too unprofessional, the language too salty, or the frank expression of frustration with our tone-deaf legislature that is hell-bent on restricting our rights for political purposes. I’m pissed off and you should be too. Profanity adds emphasis and emotion. It gets attention and convinces the reader that the author is serious in a way that polite discourse cannot. Studies have shown that deliberate use of profanity in speeches increase the perception of intensity and believability is tied directly to the passion that cussing conveys. As far as the ad hominem attacks and insults; what respect do liars, fraud, and tyrants deserve? If they go so far as to outright trample the constitutions and the will of darn near 50% of the state merely to virtue signal, why should I worry about being nice to them? We have tried being polite and arguing with reason and logic. That has failed. They do not care about truth or facts, only their political agenda. By calling them the sons-of-bitches they are will not turn them off us. They already hate you and me. In five years, there has been no other grassroots alternative to represent the voice of the activist Nevada gun owner. No one from the community has become a public voice to articulate how we all feel as a whole. My message is not degraded by strategic profanity. Those who want to listen and be persuaded will be. I am perfectly capable of writing well-documented and reasoned essays, but we’ve been there and now here we are. Once when working for the sheriff’s department, I was set upon by a large, angry man who seemed determined to beat me to a pulp. My calm, cool, stoic demeanor failed to convince him that violence was a bad course of action. But when I yelled in my command voice “Get the fuck back in your car or I’ll split your skull with my ticket book,” (all steel, not the basket-weave ones) he stopped in his tracks. Being nice can work against you if that’s all you can be. Comments are closed.
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