Basically two douchebag criminals met up to "exchange" a gun that had already been used in two other shootings. Douchebaggery happened and a douchebag got shot. Gee, don't these two know that transferring possession of a gun is illegal without a background check? Why didn't our Bloomberg universal background check law stop this crime from happening? Sarcasm over, of course these criminals weren't deterred by the background check requirement. This is how guns used in gang crime often move; a "crime" gun changes hand from criminal to criminal. Criminals don't get background checks and background checks don't prevent crime. This situation is one of the few examples where a no background check transfer can actually be busted by the police...but only after the deed was done and a guy died. At least some other third party didn't get killed as I'm sure was the intent with handing off the gun. The crappy news article doesn't contain the details, but no word if the DA's office is charging anybody with violating the background check law (which would probably be plead away anyhow). Comments are closed.
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