A poster on a local gun form brought this to our attention. The Nye County Library District is proposing to ban firearms in a section of the library. First, the proposed ban would apply to the children’s story room; not the entire library. According the original poster, he spoke with the library manager “Susan” who stated she was uncomfortable with guns in that part of the library. Around children that fear is understandable, though unwarranted. Someone should really reach out to these people and take them shooting to better understand guns and carrying them. It is unique to have a hoplophobe openly state it is a matter of comfort and not using the lie of “common sense gun safety.” Perception and not safety is being argued here, at least per the original poster, and mere perception and preference of the library staff will not pass serious constitutional muster. They can do this despite state preemption of firearm laws because in Flores v. LVCCLD the Supreme Court, using tortured logic, decided that the Legislature really didn’t mean to exclude all sub-municipal districts because the legislators didn’t specifically name anything other than counties, cities, and towns. Read more here. Unless the library is posted per NRS 202.3673, concealed carry is permitted in the library. This regulation would only serve to penalize open carriers and those carrying concealed poorly. It would not of course stop a mass murderer (which admittedly isn’t the point). The trustees have confused NRS 202.265 which applies only to schools and licensed child care facilities, though they may have been influenced by the library open carry revenge bills (which did not pass) that would have added libraries to the above section. Or they think we are as stupid as they are. If this regulation does pass, Pahrump residents should use their political power to get the manager fired and for the board of supervisors to replace the trustees. I doubt Nye County deputies would arrest for a violation and the sheriff should refuse to enforce it. Nye County claims to be a Second Amendment sanctuary, but will the rubber meet the road? The meeting is being held at 10 AM, Monday Oct. 14 at the Pahrump Community Library. Comments are closed.
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