Review Journal story here, read it first Long story short, in the continuing lawfare attack on gun manufacturers, a suit against them by October 1 (the Mandalay Bay shooting) victims got tossed. What is interesting is the reference to state preemption of firearms laws, which the court admitted they had no discretion over. Quite the difference from the Flores case where they pulled their preemption interpretation out of their ass. Anyhow, scumbag attorneys and hoplopaths are trying to breakdown federal and state laws that protect gun manufacturers from criminal misuse of their products. You know, like suing Oneida because their spoons make people fat, Coors because their beer sucks (I mean causes people to drive drunk), and Ford because idiots kill people with their cars. So another win for our side and a humiliating loss for these idiots. Of course, since lawyers are whores...well, I'll just leave it there. We all have heard the commentary before. Anyhow, the broken clock was right today. Comments are closed.
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