Jorge Gomez brings his rifle to downtown Las Vegas last spring during the George Floyd/Black Lives Matter riots. Something happens with police, he appears to run away, police claims Gomez raises his rifle, police shoot him. Apparently no video evidence was found to corroborate their statement, but body cams weren't issued to that unit and local security footage didn't quite capture the incident (IIRC). Right, wrong, or indifferent; we disagree with brining a rifle to an incident like this. Even truly non-violent political protests (2A rallies) we have conflicting feelings about openly carrying rifles. Riots are events that quickly go beyond the law (for both sides) and is basically a return to uncivilized behavior. Anything can happen and expecting protestors, innocents, or police to play by the rules of a calm, sunny day is stupid. Don't bring a rifle to a riot unless you expect to use and you also accept the risk of being shot. If you want to play "good guy, bad guy," Kyle Rittenhouse is on trial for his life after shooting three actual bad guys who tried to kill him during the riots in Kenosha. If it isn't your revolution (that you're willing to die for) or your home/business you're willing to kill and die for, don't bring a rifle to this stuff. The first rule of surviving dangerous situations is don't be there. Whatever Metro might have done wrong, Mr. Gomez would be alive if he didn't openly carry his rifle that night. Comments are closed.
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