Many people have been asking if licensed concealed carriers will be exempt from private background checks. No. Concealed firearm permittees:
No, you don't get to meet in a parking lot, flash a CCW, and call it a day (legally). Whether you have a CCW or not, the fee and the call to Carson applies to you. The Dept. of Public Safety recently put out a bulletin confirming this fact. The dealer also gets to charge whatever he wants, in addition to the state’s $25, for having to do the Form 4473 and make the phone call. Concealed firearm permittees are granted an exemption from the federal Brady Background Check requirement when purchasing or transferring from a dealer pursuant to federal requirements. If you buy a gun new or used from a dealer’s inventory or buy one online and have it shipped to a dealer, you do not have to pay the background check fee and have the background check called into Carson City. Again, this is a federal law that about half the states qualify for. State laws may be different. California, for example, doesn’t allow it unless you are in the Hollywood firearm industry. Some states’ permits don’t qualify (usually because fingerprints are not run through the FBI at issuance/renewal). Nevada’s law didn’t carry over the exemption for permittees. Why did the legislators and the Bloomberg bill authors do this? Because fuck you, that’s why. They hate you and don’t think you should even own guns, so they aren’t going to save you the $25. They want to eventually register guns via transfer records so they want the transfers to be called in. Unlike the ATF, simply saving the Form 4473s are not enough. Californians will recall that the Golden State’s registry is based almost entirely off the sale/transfer DROS submissions by dealers. Comments are closed.
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