Keep the pressure up! The anti-gunners are worried that AB 291, the preemption repeal bill, will die in the Senate Judiciary Committee Friday, May 17. Update: We have learned that the push back against adding the "red flag" provisions into the bill are coming from the ACLU, who will likely file suit against those provisions. The good news is there is a push to remove the repeal of preemption from the bill (but unknown if it would apply to amending NRS 202.2673, concealed firearms in public buildings). From the NVFAC: "AB 291, the so called "October 1" bill, is a composition of several subjects including banning bump stocks, lowering blood alcohol limits to possess firearms, outlawing trigger modifications, banning firearms in public buildings and allowing counties to make their own gun laws more restrictive than current state laws." 1. CLICK HERE TO CONTACT COMMITTEE MEMBERS BY EMAIL 2. CLICK HERE TO CONTACT COMMITTEE MEMBERS BY PHONE 3. CLICK HERE TO POST YOUR OPINION ON THE LEGISLATIVE WEBSITE NO ON AB 291 phone calls: Senator Ohrenschall: 775-684-6503 Senator Loop: 775-684-1445 Senator Cannizaro: 775-684-1475 The leftist Nevada Current posted an article of handwringing that included interested tidbits like the fact that Everytown employs nine paid lobbyists in Carson City. (And yet we’re told that Bloomberg and big gun control isn’t trying to buy Nevada?) The Nevada Firearms Coalition warned that anti-gunners were scheming to get the dead SB 120, “red flag” gun confiscation, added into the bill. It’s unknown if this is an attempt to “sweeten” the bill to make it easier to pass or another one of this session’s games to cram as much gun control in Jauregui’s Kitchen Sink gun control bill. So email and vote online tonight and call the offices tomorrow morning. Make sure this thing doesn’t get a surprise hearing Friday afternoon. You don’t overturn 30 years of civil rights protections because Sisolak couldn’t virtue signal and ban bump fire stocks after the Mandalay Bay massacre. And to the point of “we need to make the Strip” safer, you don’t do that by banning lawfully carried firearms. You won’t make New Year’s Eve or any other time safer by disarming concealed carriers or any other gun control law. Civil rights don’t disappear on holidays and no one should be an unarmed target for violence because the casino industry and the powers that be are anti-gun. Nevada’s laws are fine. Leave them alone; or at least have the balls to man up and ban all guns altogether and come take them. Comments are closed.
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