A friend speculated that we, the gun owners, should give something up to avoid something worse. As if the gun banners care about nice, but meaningless gestures. Nothing we can legislate against can realistically keep people safe. Giving up rights is just giving up rights and exactly what the disarmamentists want us to do. If they’re already talking about full confiscation and semi-auto bans now, what will they talk about once we start giving in? Yes, it really sucks that after the political terrorism at Walmart some copycat spree killer goes on a rampage in Ohio. I hate these mass shootings as much as anyone else, but I don’t have any guilt for something I didn’t do. The media and the political left is responsible for much radicalization and the demonization of guns and gun owners. I’m not a murderer just because someone keeps shouting that some of my possessions are capable of making murder easy. I didn’t murder anyone yesterday or any day before that. I seriously doubt I will murder anyone today, or ever, for that matter. The same goes for 99.998% of you (assuming 1m murders and 500m Americans in the last 50 years). So no, no compromise. If you want to eat my cake, I’m not going to feed it to you slice by slice. You can have my cake when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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