Michael Bloomberg wasn't wrong when he said that minorities are responsible for much of the crime rate. We reported on this back in 2015 when he first said it and background checks were coming to the ballot as Question 1 in 2016. You can just take the description, Xerox it and pass out to all the cops. They are male minorities, 15 to 25. That's true in New York. It's true in virtually every city. And that's where the real crime is. You've got to get the guns out of the hands of the people that are getting killed. Reporters were asked not to reveal the recording or the statement, but word leaked out. And now it's campaign season. Bloomberg is right about the data. Here's what the FBI says. "Of the murder victims for whom race was known, 53.3 percent were Black or African American, 43.8 percent were White, and 2.8 percent were of other races." [source] "When the race of the offender was known, 54.9 percent were Black or African American, 42.4 percent were White, and 2.7 percent were of other races." [source] Bloomberg is right, but for the wrong reasons. He advocates stop and frisk without reasonable suspicion, violating people's Fourth Amendment rights. He advocates restricting or eliminating the Second Amendment. He claims he knows better than the average man or non-whites. His attitude is the problem, not the facts. Aggressive policing is the way to target high crime areas, but not in the heavy-handed manner NYPD has been doing it. Statements like these unfortunately show Bloomberg's racist and elitist attitude. He supports a system that addresses the results of poverty and a broken social/family structure in minority communities. Because the media and politicians like him focus on guns as the source of violence, we cannot address the deeper underlying issues. Until we are ready to confront the fact that socialist government policies destroyed black families from the 1960s on, we can't tackle the problem of black boys growing up without fathers or positive male figures in their lives (though that trend seems have begun to reverse in the past decades). Participating in gang and drug culture will get you killed; that chain has to be broken in the minority communities to reverse the high rates of imprisonment, violence, and death. Except talking about these things is "racist." It's easier to talk about banning guns rather than admitting socialism has failed. No one wants to say that communities have a responsibility for fixing themselves instead of relying on government solutions. And that's Bloomberg's problem; he'd rather use a heavy hand to stop mass shootings and gang/drug violence rather than solve the root problem. Such tactics should offend minority communities. It might be statistically correct to say if we disarmed minorities, gun murders would drop dramatically, but how many good people would be unable to protect themselves and their families? Saying black males under 30 can't have guns because of gangs is the same as saying white men 18-30 can't own guns or video games because of mass shootings. Restriction of rights is not helpful in solving problems. Rather, suggestions like Bloomberg's take us back to the days when minorities were barred from possessing and carrying guns because of racist fears that they might fight back. Beyond all of this race stuff is the elitist attitude; men like Bloomberg feel they know better than we do. The globalist-elitist drive to disarm us is ultimately rooted in that attitude and the knowledge that if we are disarmed, we cannot fight back against their agenda. Bloomberg and his leftist ideas cannot win at the ballot box, so instead he and his cronies are buying legislators and flooding the US and "red" states with immigrant voters to elect Democrats. They can't win on their ideas, so they are cheating. Tyrants are never fair. Comments are closed.
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