Clark County School District officials are complaining about kids bringing guns to school. They rightly blame the parents, but for the wrong reasons. Safe storage (locking them away from kids) is one part of the equation. The school district wants to encourage and educate families about safe storage, which is a laudable goal and actual gun safety (versus the gun control deceptively branded as "safety"). Safe storage is not the problem. It is trivial to secure a gun against casually putting it in a backpack. Trigger and cable locks are handed out for free. Virtually every gun comes in a lockable plastic case. Small safes are easy to find. All of these steps will prevent a child from simply getting access. Of course, they won't stop a child smart enough to break the lock/case from getting it, but they will serve as a basic deterrent if only through mom or dad noticing the damage. Poor parenting is the problem. The kind of parents who have kids that take guns to school are going to disproportionately be low-class (behaviorally speaking), who offer their children minimal supervision and discipline, and would are undeterred by the potential of criminal charges for negligently allowing their kid access to a gun. In contrast, parents who would lock up their guns and teach their kids not to mess around with them probably have raised their children in such a way that, if the gun was accessible, the kid wouldn't take it to school. So what CCSD is facing is a bunch of crappy parents who can't do the right thing in the first place. The root of the problem with guns in schools is with the parenting, not the gun safe. All the education, laws, and locks in the world won't matter a damn if the parent doesn't care, doesn't use them, and won't raise their kid right. Comments are closed.
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