The Clark County School District has a problem with students bringing guns to school; not just gang members and troubled teens, but little kids too. Last time CCSD got their panties in this much of a bunch over guns on campus (it was adult gang members then), they got the legislature to ban guns on campus. Ah, the 1980s. This time, they actually proposed something halfway intelligent, as the Review-Journal reports. "The committee also suggested launching a campaign to promote responsible firearm storage — a timely idea after a 9-year-old brought a gun found at home to Helen Smith Elementary in September. 'Responsible gun storage is such a critical piece of keeping our kids safe,' Jenny Gentleman, a parent on the committee, said at the School Board meeting Wednesday. 'It’s a no-brainer. It’s an easy ask, and it impacts the community as a whole.' So far this school year, 11 guns have been confiscated on campus, compared with 13 total confiscations in 2017-18." Let's watch how they totally screw this up. I mean, this is the "we'll grope your kids for guns, but we won't molest them," school district.
It'll be interesting to see if they teach little kids "stop, don't touch, run away, tell an adult." And may something more like traditional gun safety to the older kids? I'm sure there is a class that teaches them how to put on condoms or do stuff in the bedroom safely, so why can't we teach the 8-14 year olds how not to shoot each other if they find Dad's gun? Legislatively, I'd be that the mildest of bill draft requests filed includes a mandatory safe storage law, rather than Nevada's current law that punishes negligent storage. Encouraging safe storage by punishing the screw-ups doesn't offend personal liberty, but does accomplish the public safety objective. Unfortunately, unsafe storage charges are pretty rare. Comments are closed.
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