I will let the data speak for itself. This is all available via the Secretary of State's website. My search was a very cursory one, but it speaks volumes. The $10,000 donations were made by Everytown for Gun Safety to legislators: Sandra Jauregui, Steve Yeager, Ozzie Fumo, Julia Ratti, and Nicole Cannizzaro. Jauregui, Fumo, and Ratti all have active proposals being rolled into AB 291, Jauregui "Kitchen Sink" zombie gun control bill. Winning PAC received $5,000 of Everytown money to comingle with other donations I imagine, of which Marilyn Dondero Loop received $5,000 and Melanie Lyn Scheible received $10,000 (two $5k records are shown). Elsewhere, mass donations that were certainly comingled and re-distributed with other donation sources and given to the candidates were: $300,000 to Nevada State Democratic Party $250,000 Nevada Families First All Democrats dipped or benefited from party money. Overall, $17,081,595.07 was spent from Everytown in direct campaign donations, alone, from 2014. In 2016, over the battle over Question 1, Everytown spent almost $20 million. That's $37 million of what can essentially be called Michael Bloomberg's money trying to buy gun control in a far western state. Comments are closed.
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