So the authorities report that the Sandy Valley Fire started from target shooting. Immediately denials begin on social media. Shooters just can't believe that target shooting in the desert could start a brush fire. It must be a government conspiracy! Then several helpful individuals posted a study done by, you guessed it, THE GOVERNMENT. Well, those studies just couldn't be right. Of course THE FEDS would want to malign target shooters. Blaming them for starting fires. Everyone knows it's clearly impossible for target shooters to start fires!!! This blame game must be conspiracy to ban guns or stop shooting on public lands or something. But it's not a government conspiracy. This stuff DOES happen. Target shooting does start fires. Just because you don't want to believe doesn't mean it's not true. The BLM and Forest Service didn't go to all that trouble just to fabricate a study to libel shooters. Oh wait, sorry, I forgot that NASA fabricated the moon landing. Why would the government want to lie and claim shooters started the fire? What's their goal? To ban target shooting on private land? Look, if BLM or the Forest Service wants to ban public land shooting they can. Lovell Canyon was closed to just that because of trash shooters and fires. The Las Vegas Valley was closed to shooting because of urban sprawl. Vast swaths of California gets closed to shooting every summer because of fire restrictions. If they want to stop public land shooting, they will. The government doesn't need to lie about shooters starting fires to close land. Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean it isn't true. Got it? Yes, it sucks that people start fire on our public lands that we like to shoot on. It is a natural response to deflect blame away from "one of us." But again, that doesn't mean that stray bullets hitting rocks, some dumbass with tracers, or someone smoking doesn't start fires. Stop the cognitive dissonance. You look stupid saying it. Focus your energy on educating other shooters to exercise common sense. Comments are closed.
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