Apparently it bears saying again: criminals don’t respect the law. Laws only dissuade the honest. No background check can detect an evil heart.
Now the media backlash has an FFL from Fallon under the scrutiny of the mass media, California and federal law enforcement, and every asshole with the Internet. I feel for the guy, especially with the pressure he’s under. He did speculate that the law should change to ban purchase of firearms by those under 21, but I’m hoping it was just an attempt to throw off the anti-gun dogs. I’m not going to call for tearing “Big Mike’s” throat out over this. He’s a victim as much as anyone else is. I vehemently disagree that anyone under 21 should have different rights than any other adult. Alcohol and gambling laws are discriminatory and so are the laws in places that deny Second Amendment rights to men and women old enough to die for their country. The unorganized militia starts at 17, remember. If you want to go down the route of maturity at 18-20, then we need to have a conversation about making 21 the actual age of majority for everything. The law doesn’t need to change. If we feel we need further restrictions on certain categories, like young males, that cause a fraction of shootings, perhaps we need to look at the majority of homicides in America. 50% of the homicides, usually by gun, are committed by a small percentage of our population; that is black males. If young people need to be disarmed to stop mass shooting, we can greatly reduce our nation’s “gun violence epidemic” by making it illegal for black males to own guns. Of course, that’s a ridiculous suggestion. There are plenty of law-abiding young black men who have nothing to do with gangs. Being black has nothing to do with the violence in their community either; rather it is a broken culture of poverty that glorifies violence and lawlessness amongst a whole host of social issues that exist inside the home. Likewise, many mass shooters have had mental or behavioral issues that essentially went ignored by their parents, schools, and society. Mental health has been basically ignored for the last half a century, preferring to let the mentally ill wander the streets. Gilroy and all the other crimes are about a sick society; one that has lost its way morally, spiritually, and culturally. These things won’t be fixed until we fix ourselves. Instead of looking internally, this event will be used as bloody shirt to wave in more gun control. California doesn’t have any new laws to stop this, but they will likely pressure our corrupt government in Nevada to make it more difficult for us to buy guns. Not only will it be an innocent gun dealer who will be maligned, but individual gun owners as a whole Comments are closed.
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