Update 3 The election is Tuesday, Nov. 6. Early voting begins Saturday, Oct. 20. The armies of the forces of darkness are lurking beyond November, snapping their jaws at the chance to devour a free Nevada and the United States as we know them. This is the third most important election you will ever vote in. 2016 was the most important and bought our four more years of freedom. 2020 will be to save America from plunging into economic and domestic chaos under the hand of leftist totalitarian masters. This year, we must save Nevada and keep Trump's agenda effective. I will not waste your time; 2018 is the final chance to save Nevada from a slow death by Californication. The lop-sided voter rolls filled with liberal refugees in Reno and Las Vegas have drug Nevada into a near Democratic disaster. As Latin American immigration and liberals infected with leftism flee a state they’ve ruined, they are bringing destruction to Nevada. The Silver State is at a tipping point. The state Republican Party is a disorganized, and some say corrupt, mess. Democrats all have to toe the radical, anti-gun, anti-liberty, and globalist party line or lose funding and face challengers. The Democrats who were allied with unions and labor many years ago are dead; the Democratic Party is nothing but a front for leftists who want socialism and every kind of evil to flourish. A civil war is on the horizon with the awful possibility that should the leftists win, everything we love about America will be stolen and destroyed. This is a fight for survival, or at least enough time to prepare for the evil that is to come. The only choice this year to save Nevada and buy time is to vote Republican. A Republican governor (Adam Laxalt) can veto bad bills and any Republicans seats we can pick up in the Legislature can help pump the brakes on the insanity. Without those two, any bad idea will go from thought to reality with no resistance. Federally, we must hold the Congress and take more seats. After the Kavanaugh hearings, hopefully President Trump has taught the spineless Republicans to fight back. We can win the border wall, better trade deals, lower taxes, and all the gun-rights goodies we’ve been asking for. But we have to vote Republican, as noxious as the choices may be. To choose a Democrat would be suicide and mean the impeachment of Trump. Save Nevada, Vote LaxaltVote Adam Laxalt for governor. He can win and he will be able to govern. This is the guy who as Attorney General led the charge against the opioid problem, cleared out the rape kit backlog, and put the brakes on Question 1. He is the grandson of the late Paul Laxalt, who, while in the US Senate, was a supporter and friend of President Reagan. He is NVFAC A+ rated. He is the real deal. What other campaign welcomed gun owners and open carriers to his campaign events and offices? We can forgive his comments on bump fire stocks since the NRA gave a green light for President Trump on down to throw them under the bus. If he was willing to bear the slings and arrows of taking down Question 1 and also refused to suggest ill-relevant gun restrictions in his office’s report on school safety post-Parkland, we can trust him to protect our gun rights. Adam Laxalt is our last chance to save Nevada from a California-style abyss. We will likely not have a conservative majority in the legislature, only a deeply contested slim Democrat majority. Laxalt’s veto is crucial to stop the insane gun bills that are certain to be floated by the leftists. Without Laxalt, the free-spirited independent Nevada we all love will die. A Vote for Bundy is a Vote for SisolakI apologize for being dramatic; I don't mean to insult Mr. Bundy. His heart is in a good place and he's a decent, honorable man. But Ryan Bundy cannot win the election. Do not throw your vote away on him. The margin between Laxalt and Sisolak is razor thin. Well-intentioned voters making a protest vote for Bundy or indulging themselves in a fantasy may very well cost Republicans the election. Ryan Bundy would make an excellent representative in the Legislature, sadly his advisors are just as wrapped up in fantasy as Bundy's supporters. I would really like to see Mr. Bundy in an office where he can do good and be an effective speaker for the marginalized and forgotten Nevadans. Nonetheless, in our political system Nevada cannot afford for the conservative vote to be split on a candidate with no chance of winning. Do not vote for Bundy; instead encourage him to run for other offices and urge Laxalt to take a strong stance against federal over-reach. There is no endorsement for Lieutenant Governor. Republican is better than Democrat, however, despite whatever shenanigans might have gone on down behind the scenes in 2015 at the statehouse, Sen. Roberson was an absolute pitbull for the Second Amendment in 2017. If you were there for the SB 115 hearing (library gun-free zone bill), he demolished the sponsors. His support for Sandoval’s business tax really sucks though. Wes Duncan is the only choice for Attorney General to replace Laxalt. Reader Tom spoke with him and Duncan clearly expressed his understanding and support of the Second Amendment. Supreme Court: Seat C, Jerry Tao (NVFAC A rated); Seat G, Matthew Harter (Nevada Carry A rated) From reader Tom: Elissa Cadish is a registered Democrat and very progressive anti-gunner. Cadish answered a question from the conservative group, Citizens for Responsible Government, during the 2008 campaign. The actual handwritten answer is posted at right. "I do not believe this is a constitutional right," Cadish wrote. "Thus, I believe that reasonable restrictions may be imposed on gun ownership in the interest of public safety. Of course, I will enforce the laws as they exist as a judge." Don't vote for Cadish. US Senate and House: hold your nose, vote Republican. Heller, Amodei, Tarkanian, and Hardy are far better than any Democrat. Local Races![]() Solid conservative Stephen Sedlmeyer is running for the Assembly in District 3. A fan of hot peppers and a Navy vet, he is endorsed by the Nevada Firearms Coalition (NVFAC). He’s no carpetbagger. Clark County needs Republicans on the county commission. For far too long, there has not been a single Republican. Democrats with a California mentality dominate local politics in the south. ![]() Cindy Lake to replace Democrat James Gibson for District G (Green Valley, Henderson, eastern Paradise). Feisty, intelligent, and definitely not tied up in controversial contracts, she will be a breath of fresh air on the commission. This NVFAC member and A rated candidate is our only real chance to get an actual conservative on the commission. Tisha Black for District F (that’s the far west—Summerlin) is…well…as reader Tom said in his primary guide: “Word is she is a liberal masquerading as a Republican. She is supported by numerous Democrats and she has supported Democrats in the past, including Catherine Cortez Masto.” She did not return the NVFAC firearm survey. Want to reform the “shall deny” system of campus carry permits? The only hope is electing non-biased regents to govern the state university system. Jo Cato for University Regent District 1 is a NVFAC A-rated candidate. District 1 is basically North Las Vegas. Check Reader Tom's voter guide for more races. Question 5; automatic voter registratioVote No! Question 5, automatic voter registration via the DMV (aka "motor voter) is what is responsible for countless illegal immigrants and other non-citizens being signed up to vote in California. If Question 5 passes and anyone who gets a driver license (which illegals can get—thanks Gov. Sandoval!) will be registered to vote. This is a highway to voter fraud and pumping the rolls full of Democrat-voting third-worlders who will destroy America as we know her. Vote no on Question 5 or kiss freedom goodbye. To all other candidates, sorry that we were unable to cover you. I only have the time to cover the high points and friends, so please don't take it personally if you weren't mentioned. Why doesn't Nevada have it's own Electoral College? It's well known that dense cities sway the vote towards Democrats. That's where liberals and third-world immigrants tend to live. Conservatives live in less-populous areas and tend not to have the same political power as cities. I guess leftism spreads like a disease in close quarters... Anyhow, the cure for large populations dominating minority populations was in the Founding Father's creation of the Senate to counter-balance the population driven House. In the Senate, each state had an equal vote. Many states were setup with a similar system; the lower house (Assembly) was apportioned by population, giving power to large, urban areas, but balanced by each county having a senator. This was challenged in the 1960s in the landmark case Reynold v. Sims. Los Angeles in particular was one example that complained a rural senator could outweigh six million citizens. In Nevada, the ratio was as much as 568 to 127,000. This was the point; to avoid mobocracy and modeled after the federal system. There was nothing inherently wrong with the system except that the powerful in the cities were not getting their way. The controversial Warren Court decided "one person, one vote" and ended the balance of power in the states. Many of the Warren Court's actions have been panned as a gross abuse of power, despite many ultimately good decisions. Reynold v. Sims was the beginning of the downhill slide giving liberals power in California and many states across the nation as the rural conservative "checks" were eliminated. So unless Nevada wanted to buck case law and dare someone to enforce the decision, Nevada cannot stop the demographic tyranny of Clark County. The election is Tuesday, Nov. 6. Early voting begins Saturday, Oct. 20. ![]() Nevada Carry is an individual effort and is not a political or other organization. No funding has been accepted for this ad and is not the work of any candidate. This is personal opinion only. Comments are closed.
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