The short versions is that state law prohibits emergency orders from interfering with Second Amendment rights, including use. Frontsight is arguing that the asinine restrictions promulgated by the dictator in Carson City and executed by his toadies at Nevada OSHA. So basically this will wind up with a court fight over whether or not asking people to say 6 feet away, wear masks, etc. are "permissible" infringement on the Second Amendment. I'm sure the dumbasses at our Supreme Court will make up some excuse to permit this. Frankly, all gun businesses need to tell the authorities to pound sand. Anyhow, an excerpt and then follow the link and read the whole thing. As you know from my previous emails, even though Front Sight is considered "essential critical infrastructure" and is exempt from all of the Governor of Nevada’s COVID-19 Emergency Management Restrictions, we voluntarily closed Front Sight in the Spring and Summer to support the popular, but unproven notion that closing down the country would somehow flatten the curve of COVID-19 infections. I did this RELUCTANTLY. Comments are closed.
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