Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020, Election Day, will be the most pivotal day in American history since 1861. It may very well mark the beginning of the end of our republic. Whatever the outcome of this election is, it promises chaos. This message is going to be a heavy one. I’m writing for several reasons. The first is to assure any leftist blog monitors or government agencies that I’m not some sort of guerrilla leader or planning any violence. Nor do I know of any. I’m not suicidal, I have no plans or intentions on hurting anyone, and I don’t have evidence that incriminates Hillary Clinton Hunter and Joe Biden. Yours truly isn’t going to “boogaloo” or anything like that. If this were 1776, maybe, but it isn’t such a moment in my worldview. I believe Jesus is coming back soon and the mess the world has found itself in this year is the major prelude to that. My goal is to get my family through the dark times until the Lord’s return and not wage a guerilla war trying to prop up a failing system. Now I don’t mean to disparage anyone who feels they need to do their patriotic duty. If I believed differently or felt the End Times weren’t nigh, I’d be right there with you. But again, this isn’t my fight. Should we find ourselves in a hot civil war, I wish you godspeed. My heart is with you. I just can’t justify direct action except in immediately self-defense. Whatever my part is in saving souls, that is my primary objective. There may soon come a time when any one of us could be rounded up for the proverbial boxcar, be it for our religious or political views. It doesn’t have to be because of yellow star, a cross, or if we voted for Trump. We must fight becoming captives. All of us know what happened to the Jews who meekly got on the trains and ended up in camps. Communism kills and it will kill you for opposing it. Each person must make a decision on where they stand and where they draw the line in the sand. I’ve got mine and you must make yours. Resist gun confiscation. How you do that (boating accident) or “Guns of Brixton” style is your choice. It is not something to decide lightly because the consequences either way can be enormous. But whatever the case, gun registration leads to confiscation and confiscation will lead to tyranny and mass murder. Assuming the Nevada legislature stays in the Democratic stranglehold, COVID-19 will be probably used as an excuse to keep the public out of the statehouse. Dissent will be crushed in favor of Zoom meetings that the legislators can ignore. They’ll do what they feel they can get away with. So if you haven’t voted yet, vote Republican in any state race. The blog may go suddenly dark. I don’t know what exactly the future holds but Nevada Carry, as small as we might be, is a tall nail. Not that I’m a coward by any means, but one must pick his battles. I really don’t want to get disappeared. Facebook will probably zap all right-leaning groups and pages and my webhost might do the same. And if Google kills the ad revenue stream, well see you later. As long as we can, even if Democrats win, we will try and keep people informed of what’s going on and what’s legal or not. First and foremost, we’re about educating people about the gun laws to keep them armed instead of ill-informed, afraid, and disarmed. Best case scenario if the worst happens, the website will be updated with local gun laws and info to keep you armed in the safest and most legal way possible. We will try and keep it up until the subscriptions expire, but active maintenance might not occur. Nevertheless, the hour for which the Second Amendment was created approaches. Each man to his own, as the saying goes. Remember, the Declaration of Independence sets forth the criteria for armed overthrow of the government. The price for failure is treason. Make your dispositions accordingly. With any lucky, the days after next Tuesday will be exciting, but not the end of the world, and we’ll still be here fighting the good fight. Worst case, we might just disappear into the Internet ether without warming. Comments are closed.
June 2024
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