If you think this was about guns, you’re wrong. If you think this was just someone who wants to “watch the world burn,” you’re wrong. This was a loser fighting a one-man civil war. The El Paso shootings were part of the opening salvo in our second civil war. The killer posted a manifesto online in which he explained his motive was to kill Hispanic to “encourage” them to return to their home countries so that they cannot replace European Americans. He warns of a diabolical plan to replace traditional American ideals with socialism by promising the third world freebies in exchange for them giving their votes, and thus power, to the Democrats. Are his sentiments wrong? No. Such a replacement is in full swing and will be completed by the end of the next decade. Yet being right about that and deciding to shoot shoppers makes about as much sense as hitting the mailman for delivering bills. Rather than look at Hispanics and third-worlders as enemies we should instead see them as pitiful pawns and future victims of the coming totalitarian state. Many mass shootings have been just as the Nolan brothers wrote, “some men want to watch the world burn.” Other have done it as revenge for perceived slights, like Columbine and Borderline. San Bernardino was radical Islamic terror. Anders Breivik attacked a leftist youth camp to publicize his manifesto calling for the removal of Muslims from Norway. In Gilroy, the killer appears to have had some white supremacist ideas, but his target was essentially random. Like The Troubles in Northern Ireland, what happened today is part of ethnic and political violence. Rather than a revolution or rebellion, which the Civil War of 1861-1865 was, this is a true civil war—members of society attacking each other. This was killing with a goal of political change. As this kind of thing increases, it will progress from random, misguided losers killing innocents into direct retaliation. In time, an equally radicalized killer from “the other side” will target who he thinks are his enemy. In the future, we will see worse attacks. When this kind of ethnic/political violence becomes more common, as in Israel during the Intifada, the attacks will be targeted better and methods will be sophisticated. This attack was an idiot loser who couldn’t think of anything better than shooting up a Walmart; I would look to a future of political assassinations, voter intimidation, and bombings. It will not be pretty. This was not just another mass shooting. This was a salvo in something far worse, much more disturbing, and with far greater effects than just gun control. For more in depth information about what the second civil war will look like, please check out Forward Observer on YouTube who has a great video series about the topic. Now on to guns. Pundits will blame the guns because they know that guns erode leftist’s power. We are way beyond discussing gun control as crime or mass shooting control. Any such claimed motivation is entirely false. Each mass shooting is used to rally support for incremental gun control. Once again, we will hear about banning “assault weapons.” The ultimate goal of gun control is disarmament so dissenters cannot interfere with or resist government directives. The future is not a bright one. Comments are closed.
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