Some have asked if their CCWs are automatically extended by 90 days. TL;DR version is, if the sheriff is backlogged getting you into renew, you get at least 90 days after expiration or until the never-ending emergency ends. For sure this applies to Washoe County. Directive 009, issued March 12 (revised on April 1), grants either: SECTION 3: All licenses and permits issued by the State of Nevada, Boards, Commissions, Agencies, or political subdivisions of the State of Nevada that expire or are set to expire during the period the Declaration of Emergency dated March 12, 2020 is in effect shall be extended for a period of 90 days from the current expiration date, or 90 days from the date the state of emergency declared on March 12, 2020 is terminated, whichever is later, if reduced government operations due to the state of emergency makes timely renewal of the license or permit impracticable or impossible. As sheriffs are subject to the political subdivision known as a "county," Section 3 would apply. As you will recall, expiring CCWs were extended through July 15, 2020. That date has now passed. While heroic efforts were made to speed up the process (online applications and extended hours by LVMPD in particular were noteworthy), some people may still be impacted. The key words in the statement is: if reduced government operations due to the state of emergency makes timely renewal of the license or permit impracticable or impossible. In other words, is the sheriff's office so busy they can't process your application and get you scheduled for fingerprints in a timely manner? Reports are sketchy right now, but it appears that it is possible to get a spot in line. The last reports we have of Clark County permit processing time by Metro was about 77 days, with fingerprinting on May 5. That speed hasn't been seen in over two years. We're not sure what the booking schedule looks like for Metro. In Washoe County, they are booked through October, however Sheriff Balaam assured the public that CCWs in his county will be recognized through Nevada Day (10/31/2020). So what does this really mean for those with expiring CCWs? One, if you are truly stuck waiting for your renewal to be processed, you arguably have an automatic extension, but that depends on local conditions. Washoe County's stance is clear. Suppose you are arrested for CCW without a permit. If you can show you in good faith started the renewal process, but are waiting on the sheriff, per the governor's directive, you have a defense to the charge. One could conceivably argue that the "reduced government operations" could include the backlog/rush of applications delaying issuance. If you truly are a "good guy" doing the right thing, it's hard to see a DA charging you. In any case, a competent defense attorney could make hay out of the Directive. Yet you shouldn't go out and assume "I can carry on my expired permit for up to 90 days after the COVID state of emergency ends." That's not true, even if it turns out in the end that no one cares. Hope is not a plan. What if I haven't received my first CCW yet? You're SOL; this applies only to expiring permits. Openly carry in the meantime. Comments are closed.
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