Sort version a suspicious subject ran from police after they attempted to make contact with him. He ran into traffic and started pulling on door handles attempting to enter vehicles. After an unsuccessful Taser deployment, he pulled his gun, and shot an officer non-fatally in the face. He was shot. The background is that he entered a bar and seemed suspicious to the staff, as if he was casing the place. The suspect was involved in a domestic violence incident earlier that morning. The kicker? The "handgun" was a BB gun. Good news for the injured officer. What loser carries around a BB gun openly, acts suspicious, runs from the cops, and then shoots it at an officer? Probably someone who was suicidal; it would fit if he was still outstanding after a domestic incident. For the following purposes of the post, we'll treat it as if he was openly carrying a firearm because that's what it appeared like and what most people seeing the media will think it was. Incidents of criminals openly carrying are rare. Why? It gives away their element of surprise. In this case, a dude who looked and acted weird while openly carrying turned out to be up to no good. Contrast this with the hundreds of average Nevadans that openly carry daily with no issues whatsoever, you know, because they aren't up to no good. An openly carried gun is not suspicious nor probable cause in and of itself, however, when combined with demeanor and behavior it can be a contributory circumstance to a criminal act. We must note that most criminals prefer to carry concealed, often without a permit (where required). Comments are closed.
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