The Clark County Shooting Complex posted a re-opening status update on Facebook. Here it is for your review. The Clark County Department of Parks and Recreation has begun the process of easing restrictions on several of their outdoor recreational facilities. The first of these require little or no oversight to assure the safety of their users, i.e., Pickleball Courts, Tennis Courts & Golf. The Shooting Complex’s entire 109 member part-time staffing crew was lost on March 20 due to automatic termination. This was necessary to allow them access to accrued funds and the ability to obtain unemployment benefits. Almost our entire staff of Range Safety Officers (RSOs) and Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) were lost at this time. At least half of this workforce is required to adequately provide safety for our patrons on our public ranges.` The first step for us is likely the return of our Registered User Groups conducting instruction and training at our Education Center ranges. They require no staffing on our part and provide their own safety officers. They will be notified immediately of their first opportunity to return. That notification will also be posted here. The second step is likely the limited use of our Shotgun Center. Once again, that notification will also be posted here. Be assured we are working towards opening the entire facility as soon as possible, but will always follow established guidelines to keep our patrons safe. We expect another update on May 15. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Please stay safe, and we hope to see you soon. Steve Carmichael Sr. Management Analyst Clark County Shooting Complex Comments are closed.
June 2024
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