AB 291, a bill that would give power to make anti-gun laws to the county commissions, and ban “rate increasing devices,” potentially making felons out of thousands of gun owners, is poised to hit the Senate floor in Carson City for a vote. Clark County officials are already drooling over being allowed to pass their own gun laws, including bringing back the “blue card” handgun registration program, but for all guns. This is all without the bill even being passed out of the legislature. We face a hard battle in stopping it without resorting to the courts because Nevada was stolen by evil, power-hungry politicians and leftist groups. Preemption was passed into law over 30 years ago by a bi-partisan legislature. In 1989, Clark County pushed to have the legislation watered down to preserve the “blue card” handgun registration program, but it inadvertently protected local gun bans, including Reno’s former open carry ban. Now, politicians frustrated with Second Amendment activism and bent on further restricting your rights want to do it at the local level. Preemption was intended to create a uniform system of gun laws across the state; not subject to the emotional whims of local politicians, but up for input and debate from all parts of Nevada. AB 291 could create a hazardous condition of varying gun laws; what is legal to own in one county is illegal in the next. 30 years of protections will go down the drain. Such arbitrary and capricious laws not only violate more than just the Second Amendment. Nevada’s own state protections of the right to keep and bear arms as well as the uniformity of legislation throughout the state. Repeal of preemption would create a large due-process violation and a host of unconstitutional flaws. It’s clear that the Assembly did not listen to the overwhelming cry of the public who oppose this bill. Sheriffs from all but four counties oppose further gun control. This is a bill to specifically give Clark and Washoe county authorities the power to infringe as they see fit. Reach out to your sheriff, especially if you are in the two metro counties, and continue to show the Senate your opposition (also here). Senate Judiciary Committee phone numbers Chair: Nicole Cannizzaro (D-6), (775) 684-1475 Vice Chair: Dallas Harris (D-11), (775) 684-6502 James Ohrenschall (D-21), (775) 684-6503 Marilyn Dondero Loop (D-8), (775) 684-1445 Melanie Scheible (D-9), (775) 684-1421 Scott Hammond (R-18), (775) 684-1442 Ira Hansen (R-14), (775) 684-1480 Keith Pickard (R-20), (775) 684-1481 Comments are closed.
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