California legislators are seeking to influence Nevada into passing more strict gun control. They are upset because criminals can buy guns and ammo in Nevada and take it to California. With private sales being banned, part of that is going to be shut down next year, but now they are pushing namely for discriminating against 18-20 year olds by making it illegal for them to buy guns. Nevada is easy prey because it is a purple state. The state government is controlled by Democrats and their accomplices in California see the party as a way to influence our legislators. Arizona is too Republican to manipulate for the next few years. They are exploiting the recent Gilroy shooting to use the emotion to their advantage. Fun fact: California is the largest importer of crime guns into Nevada. One state attempting to influence another in this manner is absolutely despicable. Powerful interests are leaning on legislators to go against the interest of the public for the benefit of tyrants in a foreign state. This would be like Nevada casinos bribing the California legislature and proposing a ballot initiative to outlaw Indian casinos in California. Nevada has a large population of ex-Californians precisely because of this crap. The Democrats have ruined California and are exporting their bullshit to other states. The legislators who proposed this don’t care. They are entirely mortally corrupt and backed by dark money that would welcome tyranny. Their party and (probably) the Bloomberg forces. The hoplophobes will use any advantage to their benefit to enforce tyranny. Nevadans will not comply and will not give up their guns no matter what California or the anti-gunners try to do. Email your representatives, the lead asshat from California, and the governor. No new gun control, no special legislative session. California needs to mind it’s own damn business. [email protected]; [email protected] Governor California lead ass-clown [email protected] Comments are closed.
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