Yesterday we posted that LVMPD and the BLM have noticed an uptick in illegal shooting in the Las Vegas Valley. Not only is this dangerous, but many of these shooters leave a lot of garbage behind. Illegal shooting only leads to the further erosion of shooting on public lands as officials. Several weeks ago, the Clark County Shooting Complex was closed to avoid spreading infections of COVID-19. It's time to call on the Clark County Commission to re-open the complex under social distancing guidelines and get people out of the desert and into their facility. Below is Nevada Carry's open letter to the commission. Below that you can find information on how to contact your commissioner. Open Letter to Clark County CommissionRecently, the Metropolitan Police Department and the Bureau of Land Management have publicized a spike in illegal shooting on public lands while the Clark County Shooting Complex was closed due to the COVID-19 crisis. Safety and illegal dumping concerns have been raised by this illegal activity. Illegal shooting could be curbed in part by re-opening the Complex. It appears that the Complex was closed as part of the Parks Department county-wide facility closure, rather than specific concerns about the Complex itself. As you are aware, the Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has declared shooting ranges as part of the public safety essential industries. No other public outdoor range is open in Clark County. In this time of fear and uncertainty, new gun owners need a place where they can learn and practice shooting safely. Existing gun owners also need a place to practice, and an established, public rage is ideal. While the Shooting Complex sits idle, it does not serve its intended purpose and its closure has, in part, led to illegal and dangerous shooting on public lands. We respectfully request that the Park Department re-open the Shooting Complex under social distancing requirements to give our shooters a safe and legal place to shoot while maintaining public health recommendations. As the Complex is carefully monitored, distancing can easily be maintained by the range safety officers. Under careful guidelines, this public facility can re-open to serve its intended function. Who is My Commissioner?Marilyn Kirkpatrick, Chairman, District B [email protected] (702) 455-3500 Lawrence Weekly, Vice Chairman, District D [email protected] (702) 455-3500 Michael Naft, District A [email protected] (702) 455-3500 Larry Brown, District C [email protected] (702) 455-3500 Tick Segerblom, District E [email protected] (702) 455-3500 Justin Jones, District F [email protected] (702) 455-3500 James B. Gibson, District G [email protected] (702) 455-3500 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Comments are closed.
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