Fox News spoke with BJ Baldwin, Las Vegas racer who was involved in a self-defense shooting at Las Vegas In-N-Out in April. He said his girlfriend noticed two hooded men pointing a gun at her and charging in her direction from across the parking lot. Once she was able to alert him, the men were 15 yards away with the gun pointed at her and smiling, he said. He said they appeared intent on doing harm. The gunman fired two shots at his girlfriend and six shots at Baldwin, he said. The incident erupted fast and the bad guy already had the "drop" on Baldwin when the latter reacted. "I knew there was a high probability that he would miss because I was returning fire and getting hits on him," Baldwin said. "I wish I wasn't at the wrong place at the wrong time, but I'm glad it was me instead of a less-skilled defensive pistol practitioner." Baldwin was not charged as the DA ruled the incident self-defense. Baldwin's experience is a major testimonial for good training and continual practice. While this In-N-Out is in what is considered to be a "safe" part of town, you never know when violence may strike. Be ready for it. Comments are closed.
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