Let’s be realistic; things are going to get a lot worse. Voting will not help. Legislatures have been bought by a billionaire. In many states, this one in particular, the Republican Party is incompetent to mount a proper challenge. Immigration (both from inside the country and from foreigners) has and will continue to change the demographics to one that votes against guns and freedom. Too many people who would vote for conservative candidates don’t vote making “the system is rigged” into a self-fulfilling prophecy. There is not voting our way out of this. Voting Republican is necessary to buy time. Time to prepare for the evil to come and time to enjoy a relatively peaceful time. Protesting does little. Protesting is to scare politicians into not doing stupid things. However, the threat of not getting elected/re-elected is not a threat as the democratic process is corrupted. The lack of voter IDs, gerrymandering, voter rolls with illegal immigrants and dead people on them, etc. Bloomberg can throw lots of money into a race to get a Democrat elected. Politicians don’t have to fear the public when the system is rigged in their favor and their campaign coffers are full. In Virginia, red flag legislation is advancing, despite the protest. The outcry probably killed off some of the worst bills this year, but they will keep coming back until the Left gets what it wants. Second Amendment Sanctuaries? You have to be joking. Unless the sheriff and local cops flat out don’t care AND the judges and prosecutors go along, it’s meaningless. The sheriff and local officials also have to have the moxie to physically throw out any state or federal officials engaged in gun confiscation, etc. I’m talking corrupt Appalachian county during Prohibition stuff where the Revenue men disappeared in the hills. Protesting can buy us time or serve a warning. Rallies can be a break on the worst of the worst legislation. As for not showing up with long-guns or combat gear at rallies; screw the haters. We’ve lost the media, so who cares what they think? Sheep voters who get weak-kneed at a dude with a Barrett rifle will not support us when violent resistance happens. Protests are to show those who might need a warning that we are out there and we do care. The courts might help us, but even if the Supreme Court gives us whatever we want, eventually the Left will cheat enough to invalidate those court cases. The Supreme Court also has to enforce it’s decisions and it has not with Heller so far. Justices can be replaced by future presidents and the court can be packed, as has been threatened. States can simply ignore the court’s decisions. The Supreme Court won’t send marshals to un-arrest Californians with evil rifles. We’re buying time at this point. Many of the haters on the pro-gun side don’t have many good ideas. They complain about keyboard commandos bitching online…which is exactly what they’re doing. I’m not sure what they’re trying to accomplish. “The rally is going to be a death trap. The rally didn’t work.” Some times I wonder if they want someone else to start shooting because they’re cowards. Me personally? I don’t believe this is 1775 and I’m not going to boogaloo or encourage anyone else to. If the boogaloo comes to you or me, that’s a different story, but I’m not playing revolutionary. If I have to go out and die for a cause, it’ll be Jesus, not a bunch of apathetic people who put themselves in this mess. You want to start shooting? Prepare to live in Northern Ireland in the 1970s. That future is an ugly one. I want to exhaust all peaceful options before that happens. I’m happy to buy time and enjoy life before that happens. Now would be the time to kill those involved in the destruction of America. Round up the media people, the billionaires, the celebrities, the Democrats, the Leftist lobbyists and staffers, and the useful idiots. But we won’t do it. We’re too distracted and disorganized. We’re all frogs in the pot. The time to stop being scalded to death is you’re dropped in the pot, not when the lid is on and the water is boiling. History shows us that instead of nipping the problem in the bud, people will wait until they are desperate to solve the problem. By the reactions in Virginia, the time for bloodshed in California was two decades ago. Our ancestors wouldn’t have put up with this shit and engaged the literal army over gun confiscation. So we’ll have a half-dozen small incidents like the Bundy Ranch but none of it will be a solution. Only when they call for a New Zealand style gun confiscation will it get interesting. From there, anything can happen and I’m not going to try to predict anything. This was a bunch of verbal diarrhea, sorry. I think I made some sort of point in there. Depressing isn't it? Comments are closed.
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