AB 291, Sandra Jauregui’s “quick, use the Mandalay Bay October 1 to get a bunch of anti-gun laws passed” omnibus bill, would reduce the objective limit to carry while drinking from .10 BAC to .08 BAC. This would conform with Nevada’s DUI laws (which was formerly .10). Why exactly this change was proposed, or is needed, remains to be seen. .02 BAC is not much of a difference. I have not heard of any problems with .08 vs. .10 BAC. If there was such a problem, one would assume the subjective portion of the armed person being obviously intoxicated would then apply. However, leftist, bloody-shirt waving hoplopaths taking the advantage of the political situation does not imply reason matters. Going armed while drinking is always a hot topic among firearm instructors and armed citizens. Some states prohibit guns in bars entirely, so Nevada’s “it’s okay if you aren’t smashed” law blows many people away. It can even start arguments online. First things first; no one is talking about using firearms while drinking or getting drunk then hitting the range. We all agree that “hold my beer” is usually followed by a trip to the emergency room or worse. We are discussing holstered handguns that are no more dangerous than a parked car. Everyone has the right to self-defense, even while drinking. Gun rights don’t end at the bar or restaurant door. Common sense should keep most decent people from carrying while they go out and get shitfaced. In my experience, people who like getting drunk in public typically aren't worried about needing to defend themselves with a gun and doing it legally. Either that or they accept the risk that carrying illegally can get them put in jail or their desire to have fun/drown their blues is more important than packing. One November evening, a group of six or so off-duty police officers went to have drinks at a local country bar. Like all of us, they needed to blow off a little steam. Way back when, I did the same thing with my partners. Little did these officers know that some nutjob would come into the Borderline and kill twelve people. I can bet you there are six cops that will never go to a bar with out at least one or two of them carrying after that night. That’s a good lesson to learn; if you are in a group, and even if you are cutting loose, have not only a DD, but a designated carrier. So in the debate of to carry or not while having a drink, let’s use common sense. If you can handle one or two drinks and drive home, you’re probably safe with a holstered pistol. Comments are closed.
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