AB 286, is pending in the Senate for a final floor vote. The casino gun ban may be added back in at the last minute. It would be illegal to carry a gun at a casino even without a specific warning from security. Major casinos are pushing this bill because of the crime on the Strip. This bill would disproportionately target minorities and make you a criminal for having a gun in you car, nevermind taking it into the casino. We need to act now in order to kill it off. We're suggesting a coordinated phone blast Weds. 5/19 and Thurs. 5/18 to ring the Senator's phones off the hook. Focus on Democrats; make up a zip code in their area if they ask for one. Don't bother with Republicans or the Assembly. Call ALL the Democrat senators, not just your own. High points:
Or you could suggest that any gun control passed by Democrats this year will harm their chances for re-election next year. Comments are closed.
December 2024
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