We're issuing a correction to an earlier post. RGJ columnist Quest Lakes reached out to us after upset over missing a distinction that she was only speaking about part of the protesters at the governor's mansion a few weeks ago. We'll let the email correspondence speak for itself. Quest Lakes (emphasis original): I noticed that you lied about what I wrote in my recent column on your blog. You know that I did NOT write that the ReOpen protesters in Carson City on May 2 were "white supremacists who sow chaos" etc. I wrote that the adherents to the Boogaloo movement, some of whom drove up from Las Vegas and were in attendance on May 2, "are white suprmacists who sow chaos and create political tension." Here's what I wrote that you purposely misquoted: "But the thing that really caught my attention about this gathering were the boogaloo fans in the crowd. These are accelerationists who hope to incite an armed rebellion in the U.S., which they refer to as Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo (boogaloo for short). They’re white supremacists who sow chaos and create political tension. The boogaloo goal has become increasingly popular with right-wing militias and self-described patriot groups that share a lust for a violent uprising targeting their political opponents, minorities, and law enforcement." Nevada Carry's response: You give us too much credit for being malicious. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence." We'll concede we should have stated that "some" of the protesters, specifically those you call "adherents to the Boogaloo movement" were maligned as as white supremacists. Again, the good news is that according to Lakes, only "some" protesters are white supremacists, and, unless we read it wrong, all of the "boogaloo fans." Comments are closed.
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