The 2023 Nevada legislative session is one controlled by Democrats who have a majority in both houses, thanks to voter fraud I mean “voting reform.” Forget any chances of any positive gun bills passing through the legislature, like campus carry or constitutional carry. It’s not gonna happen. What could happen, although I don’t think that it’ll happen, is the Dems could propose any gun ban they want to. Again, I doubt this. Their lock on the state isn’t solid and they don’t have a green light to go full-retard. They did lose the governorship and people’s opinions on guns have changed drastically in the last several years. Nevada doesn’t have the same kind of population (yet) where an “assault weapon” or semi-auto ban like Oregon and Washington would be a good idea to propose. Remember we have a Republican* governor now, one who needs to prove his conservative credentials. Lombardo has to at least pretend that he’s a Republican and supports thinks, like gun rights, that conservatives believe in or he doesn’t stand a chance of winning re-election or any other elected office again. One way of doing that is not supporting more gun control. Lombardo is an old-school cop whose ideas of guns date from the 1980s-1990s crime wave when the armed people he encountered and saw were gang members and felons. He doesn’t think like we do, but then again he thinks in terms of restrictions, not absolute prohibitions. RINO Brian Sandoval was no friend of the Second Amendment, but he did sign enhanced preemption in 2015 and he did veto background checks in 2013. Another interesting comparison is that Sisolak was once reasonable on guns, but was drug left with the whole Democratic Party as communist money squeezed out the last normal Dems. So while Sisolak got worse, Lombardo actually got better and now has “come around” somewhat on guns. Politicians have a habit of not meaning what they say, but the incentive for Lombardo to mean what he said about not banning “hi cap” mags, etc. is greater than the incentive to ban them. Case law and popular opinion has put the 1990s style bans on the back burner and they are not popular. Lombardo also doesn’t have to parrot the anti-gun talking points to get support from his party as Sisolak did. Another big difference between the last two sessions and now is that any shenanigans to try and cram a bill through in the dead of night is DOA. Remember they did that with background checks in 2019? Every step of the process was to stymie opposition and Sisolak was in on the game. Lombardo probably can be counted on for a veto, at least for the worst of the worst. With Lombardo we have a prayer and with Bruen, though it will take litigation, we have the ability to permanently demolish their restrictions. Justice Thomas handed us a huge gift in Bruen in that once something is deemed unconstitutional, it’s effectively dead forever. It may take lawsuits and a few years, but Bruen is the key to dismantling all the gun control schemes. The bolder they go, the dimmer the courts will view the attempt to end-run the decision. So leftists, take note. If you lose in court, you lose forever. All the restrictions that you put up, the more egregious they are, the greater the chance of them being overturned. Gun free zones everywhere The end-run tactic California, New Jersey, and New York have tried is to create basically everywhere into “gun free zones” or “sensitive spaces.” New York is currently facing litigation in federal court and hopefully SCOTUS will set the tune by rejecting that argument; they have a few ways of doing that without a new decision. Bruen was written so that SCOTUS didn’t have to hear every gun case. What they can do is simply decline to hear the state’s appeal if the laws are ruled unconstitutional in appeal’s court or GVR, which would screw over the state. They may try another “ban guns everywhere” bill like the insufferable [redacted] Sandra Jauregui proposed in 2021, which was really about creating a new law at MGM’s behest so Metro could enforce MGM’s no-guns policy. Apparently trespassing was not enough for casinos and they wanted people arrested for just being armed on their property. Hint: that’s probably not constitutional. Secondly, if Metro says no to enforcing casinos private no-guns policy, it’s not going to happen. Sheriff McMahill is good friends with Lombardo so there has to be an agreement there. Preemption They will specifically target preemption, calling it “local control” or some such nonsense. Of course, “local control” won’t allow the Second Amendment Sanctuary counties to liberalize their gun control laws, such as throwing out the private gun sale ban or allow campus carry. “Local control” only works one way, which is anti-gun. I can’t see Lombardo signing any weakening of preemption. It would be a betrayal of his statements in 2015 and because of how any repeal would be used by the left, we (the gun community) would hold it against him. Courthouses Courthouses will probably be added to the gun free zone list. Why? Well, Nye County’s stunt moving the courts out of the courthouse over a bullshit court order has probably already generated a bill request. I can’t see Lombardo saying no to such a thing. Though open carry is legal, concealed carry is not in posted “no guns” buildings. Courts will illegally prevent one from openly carrying and the judges will literally dare you to fight the trespassing or content to the state supreme court which has the same erroneous signs and on the front of the building. So if the courts are going to ban guns, might as well make it “legal” if not right. My only ask of any legitimately interested legislator, LCB bill writer, or Governor Lombardo is insistence that secure storage be provided at the courthouse entrance. That way, someone going to do his civic duty of jury service doesn’t have to walk through sketchy downtown Las Vegas or Reno unarmed, leaving their gun in the car to possibly be stolen. Summary We might see some tweaking of bad, but not good bills. Red flag law changes, for instance. I wouldn’t be surprised if some behind-the-scenes feel-good bills get signed. As long as the net-effect on gun rights is negligible, it shouldn’t spell doom. We’re not in a great spot, but it’s not the end of the world. Had Sisolak been elected, yeah, things would be pretty grim. We need to keep the pressure up with Lombardo, starting when any anti-gun bills are proposed all the way to a veto. If Lombardo comes through and keeps any stupidly bad bills from passing, he’ll have the gun community’s support in the next election. And if he betrays us, well I suppose there is no point in voting for Republicans anymore, is there? Comments are closed.
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